
Employee Awards Caricatures - the Best Awards/Staff Recognition Idea

Your completed employee award is delivered direct by email ready to print


Staff love being recognised for their efforts and now your business can provide a unique and totally original employee award through Caricature King's staff awards service.

Caricatures tailor-made for most personnel awards situations:

  • Employee of the month/quarter
  • Manager of the quarter
  • Most improved
  • 10/20/25 year service
  • Top salesperson month/quarter/year
  • Highest achiever (workplace/school/group)
  • Graduation
  • All or part of a prize

The staff award caricature can be printed and put in a low cost certificate frame, made into a canvas print or put onto shirts, mugs etc.. A copy can also be displayed in the main office foyer or staff lunch room.

crown (1K)Easy steps to employee awards

crown (1K) Step 1. Choose your artist by style

Scroll down for some awards samples - if your preferred artist is not shown below, that does not mean they cannot so it. Just ask!

crown (1K) Step 2. One click to order

Ordering is easy. Just mention when emailing the image which artist you would like to do the work. Discounts are applied for ordering several months in advance. Contact us to arrange this.

Please click your selection:

crown (1K) Step 3. Email us your image

Click to Email image All we need you do to is email us a clear picture of the employee, plus a short description of their role. The artist can then include an aspect relating to the employee's role in the caricature. Your art is first drawn by the artist and the draft provided to you for approval, then digitally colored and enhanced before being delivered to your email box in digital ready to print format. Please mention in the email which artist you would like to do the work.

Need a whole of workplace caricature? We can do this as well - a workplace group is great for Christmas cards etc!

Questions? Feel free to Email us

Employee Awards caricature samples

Not all artists represented here, but ALL can do this work
Artist Zalo
caricature of woman in office being very busy
Full body in scene
caricature art of a woman in an office answering a phone, celebtrating 25 years of service
staff award caricature of a man standing, leaning on boxes with forklift in the background. Site allows ordering of custom caricatures smiling young woman working at computer, drawn caricature style as a staff reward
realtor man talking on the phone portrayed artistically in caricature as a top real estate salesman award. black and white characature art of busy woman chef in kitchen. Staff ward gift - provides art services
Artist John
employee award
Full body
sales superstar recognition - top salesperson award
Artist Darius
dentist-caricature for long service award
Full body
super trader stock trader - best straders award

All other artists can do awards for you

Need a whole of workplace caricature - we can do this as well - great for Christmas cards etc!

Questions? Feel free to Email us

crown (1K)Ordering

Ordering is easy Just mention when emailing photos which artist you would like to do the work.
Discounts are applied for ordering several months in advance. Contact us to arrange this.

Please click your selection

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We have been creating original art for businesses for many years. We are proactive in our approach with clients, aiming to help them acieve the best outcome for their caricature needs. Staff awards that help build cohesiveness in the workplace, create enhanced staff loyalty and retention through recognition of effort and result is well documented in business literature as Deloitte's analysis has shown. People management is a 'soft' art, but incredibly valuable resulting in up to a 30% reduction in voluntary staff turnover.

One of the great things anout a staff awards carticature or cartoon is that it can also be used as a email signature - what better than having 'top salesperson' or 'employee of the month' featured on their email! (Or on the website as well!!) Not only does it say great things about the staff member, but also about the company and its culture. That can equal business growth and client satisfaction.