Contacting Caricature King

Matt from Caricature King
Hi, my name is Matt and I am the coordinator here at Caricature King. All communication with the caricature artists is done through me.
A coordinator is used because the artists are scattered around the globe and systems have been set up to make communication with them efficient. I can answer just about every question, thus freeing up the artist's time to do what they do best - creating amazing caricatures!
If your enquiry is about PRICES, please see this page. If the enquiry is about delivery times, are mention on each artist's samples page. These time frames are subject to change without notice. Prices are identical, regardless of the artist. Please also see our Frequently asked Questions page.
Questions about non-standard caricature pricing, big groups or just about anything else should still be sent to me.
All feedback on work is sent to the caricaturist, regardless of how we receive them (email, phone etc).
Contact methods
We have four main communication methods
1. Email
Click here to Email Matt (preferred)
If sending photos, please send to (also if sending pictures with a query).
2. FaceBook
Please visit our FaceBook page and you can message us there
3. Live Chat
Live chat - at lower right of the screen is our chat - If Matt is unavailable, our chat bot Barnaby is there to assist (under training ;) ).
4. Phone
IMPORTANT! Please note the current time at the Caricature King office is >
Please feel free to call daytime or evening till 9am- 10pm our office time only.International +61 409 349 752
Browsing on your cell/mobile? Click to Call Us!
Australia 0409 349 752
Best between:
- 9am-10pm Eastern Aust Standard Time
- 5pm-6am Eastern USA Standard Time
- 2pm-12am Western USA Standard Time
- 6am-12pm London Standard Time

Head and shoulders

Full body with prop

Full body with background
Frequently Asked Questions
On the order pages are set product options. These are:
- Digital head/shoulders color caricature with draft
This includes the head and the top of the body down to the level of the armpits. The draft is a line drawing that shows the outline of the final caricature.
If you would like the person dressed in different clothing, or with glasses on or off or other minor variations this is usually included in the set price.
The standard background is white or other plain color, however a graduated color as in the sample can also be requested at no additional cost.
See sample to right. - Full body color caricature with minor prop and one draft
This product option includes all of the body. Different clothing can be specified.
Props, if desired, are normally non-complex items - and may be something that a person is holding or leaning against.
Typical prop items are a backpacks, a fishing rod or holding a fish, a sporting item, a small musical instrument, a hand tool, or even some lettering, etc.
Backgrounds are either white, plain color or a simple graduated colour.
NOTE: A car, aircraft motorbike if drawn in proportional size to the person, is classed as a person. If it is small (ie a (small) plane flying in the sky) it is then a prop.
See sample to right. - Digital full body and background with props color caricature with draft
Want to go all out? Full body with background is the way to go.
Here a couple of elements of the person can be included, various hobbies and interests to really support the pose.
It could be a scene or a collection of items. Sometimes simple is best, too many will result in a cluttered look and detract from the main caricture.
Often the full background caricature can tell a story, or twist a funny moment and really expand on it. The possibilities are endless.
See sample to right. - Black and white
Black and white encompass the inclusions for each product above.
Depending on the artist the BW can be a simple line drawing ideal for T-shirts, or a fully shaded and toned artwork.
Pricing is identical for all artists. You can see pricing by visiting the order page for these currencies and making your selections. This will also allow you to explore our professional printing options (except GBP orders).
Discounts are:
- 2 people = 8%,
- 3 people = 11%,
- 4 people = 15%,
- 5 people = 20%.
- 6+ people = 25%
- Really big groups - quote
- Credit card - Mastercard, Diners, Visa, JCB and American Express. This can be via the online payment system or if you prefer you can ring us on +61 409 349 752 (where the + is replaced by the digits you dial from your country to call overseas).
- Paypal - there is a PayPal option in the cart process. If you wish to pay in a currency other than US$, A$ or Euro, we can give you our PayPal email to deposit to.
Some caricature definitions:
Caricature A representation, in which the subject's distinctive features or peculiarities are deliberately exaggerated to
produce a comic or grotesque effect. This means a caricature is not a portrait, and under some circumstances may have a limited
similarity to the original subject.
Basically it means your nose may not be proportional because it has been exaggerated, or a forehead might be extra high etc. Certain elements of the face or body may adopt different shapes (like smiles) or colour tonings - this is what caricaturing is all about. Please note that each artist has his own style. This is clearly shown on each artist's sample page.
Word Origin Derived from Italian caricare, "to load, burden, or exaggerate".
Therefore, to ensure your satisfaction, please make sure you view the samples pages of each of the artists to find a style that suits
you. The style you choose is what you get!
The Caricature King's artists work from a photo/s you supply as part of the ordering process.
Most artists sketch the work and then ink by hand or digitally. While Zalo and John complete all work by hand, all others others complete the work using digital airbrushing. No matter the method of production, the basic caricature product is supplied to you via email. We also provide poster, canvas and framed print options for USA and Australia customers.
Except for one of our artists, caricatures are drawn and digitally air brushed, so the original is what arrives in the email. As our artists are located around the world, we have found that generally post/courier shipment is not feasible and generally very expensive. If you MUST have the original artwork, please contact us and we can discuss. Alternatively, please see the Poster print, Canvas print and Print and Frame options we provide on each artist's order section at the lower part of the artist's pages for both USA and Australia.
Most caricatures are delivered by email within 6-12 working days of receipt of your picture/s by the artist, sometimes sooner. The expected timeframe is shown on each artists sample page. On occasions, due to public holidays, weekends or periods of high demand etc this time-frame may be a little more. If you have a specific deadline, please inform us of this and we will advise if the artist will be able to meet it, and if there might be an additional charge if urgent.
Yes you can. Please be very clear about the person/people in the image you want included. If you have an image which includes people NOT to be included, that is fine, we can crop it prior to supplying to artist - just be sure to clearly identify who is to be retained.
You must select the number of people in the final caricature during the ordering process. Discounts apply for two or more people in the one caricature (see above), or in separate caricatures. Each person in the photo is priced as a new caricature, even though they may be in the same finished image.

Images need to be at least
2x this size, preferably 3x If the caricature is of a head and shoulders, then one or two good clear head and shoulders pictures are fine. If a full body caricature, another picture showing the full body is great. If it does not show the face clearly, then a photo of the person's head will also be needed. If not obvious, please also made mention in the email the colour of people's eyes. For more information, please see this page on photo suitability.
Remember - a poor source image may result in a less that optimum output!!
Images cannot be too big, but they can be too small!
Our email system oes not have email size restrictions.
If not evident in the photo, mention hair and eye color.
Caricature King also reserves the right to use versions of any caricature on the artist's sample pages etc. If you specifically do not wish for your caricature to be used as a sample, just let us know.