Help promote Caricature King?
Be an artist's friend & promote their services
Would you like to help spread the word about Caricature King? We have had people ask how they can do this so here is a page with a number of options. Please feel free to do one or more!
Talk about us on Facebook
We would love for you to put a copy of the image on Facebook and tag it, or put it on our Facebook page (come say hello!) Tell us about the reaction of the recepient (we bet it was GREAT!!)
Put up fliers
Please find below some fliers you can print (in color or black and white) and pin on noticeboards on shopping center notice boards, workplaces, meeting rooms, church notice boards, in your sporting club - anywhere it is legal!Each poster has 10 tear-off strips, just snip along the dotted line before pinning to the board.
If you would like one with a caricature we have drawn for you, just ask and we can feature your image!
Below each file is a link to a jpg file that will print at A4 paper size. The average file size is 320-380kb
To save the image - click the link below the image and then right click on larger image and "save target as"
Please make a selection
Get the large image
Get the large image
Get the large image
Get the large image
Get the large image
Get the large image
Get the large imagePost a link from your website to our website
. Put a text link or one of the images below on your site:
Simple Text link
<a href="" target="_blank">Get your own personal caricature at Caricature King </a>
Looks like this:
Get your own personal caricature at Caricature King (You can of course change the wording to suit.)
Or maybe a image link
Here is the link to the image - <img src="" alt="caricature king">
Here is the code: <img src="" alt="caricature king">